Charity Board Treasurer and Governance Officers @ Not-for-Profit & Charity Community Consultants (NFPCCC) and Diverse Communities & Social Services (DCSS) National Not-for-Profit Indigenous & LGBTIQA+ Dual-Charity
Remote Working, Australia Wide, Australia
We are looking for dedicated, reliable, willing and experienced people who are keen and passionate to help those who are in need!
The position has the following responsibilities and duties: Governance
- Ensure that the Board maintains the degree of financial literacy necessary to conduct the business of the organisation.
- Advise the Board on matters of finance.
- Advise the Board on fundraising.
- Ensure that appropriate financial policies and procedures are in place and fully documented.
- Produce [in partnership with the Board] a Financial Budget/Business Plan for the organisation.
- Ensure [in partnership with the Board] the regular review and development of the Business Plan.
- Report to the Board at each meeting on the financial situation of the organisation.
- Report to the Board at each meeting on variances from the approved budget
- With the Secretary, place any necessary financial items on the Board agenda in advance of the meeting.
- Report to the Annual General Meeting on the financial situation of the organisation.
- Ensure the organisation’s financial control procedures are adequate and that appropriate safeguards against fraud are in place.
- Ensure that risk management strategies (including appropriate insurances) are in place.
- Collect and receive all money due to the organisation and make all payments authorised by the organisation (alongside of the Executive Managing Director).
- Oversee the organisation’s investment strategy and report to the Board (With the EMD, oversee the organisation’s investment strategy and report to the Board).
- Prepare the Budget for the coming year.
- Review income and expenditure against the budget on a continuous basis.